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Melvin Goodman in The Philadelphia Inquirer


After appearing on an IPA news release yesterday, Melvin Goodman, who was a CIA analyst for 24 years and is now director of the National Security Project at the Center for International Policywas quoted in an article yesterday in The Philadelphia Inquirer. Goodman discusses how the “politics surrounding Clinton have obscured some real questions about Benghazi, particularly the CIA’s role there.”


Holly Sterling in AFP and Democracy Now


GNlOcFollowing Holly Sterling’s news conference on Thursday, and her letter to President Obamashe was covered by several outlets, including Agence France-Presse and Democracy Now. The AFP article, in addition to covering the news conference, discusses Jeffrey Sterling’s case in more depth. Democracy Now’s coverage features a video interview with Norman Solomon and Holly Sterling.


Jeff Cohen in Associated Press


Following his appearance on an IPA news release Friday, Jeff Cohen, director of the Park Center for Independent Media at Ithaca College and author of Cable News Confidential, was featured in an AP article Monday. The article discusses the petition he authored to add a progressive panelist to tonight’s Democratic debate.


James Paul on WORT


After appearing on an IPA news release last week, James Paul, the executive director of Global Policy Forum for 20 years and longtime editor of the Oxford Companion to Politics of the World, was interviewed by Jan Miyasaki on WORT’s 8 O’clock Buzz this Wednesday regarding the current refugee situation in Syria.


Steve Horn on The Real News Network


After appearing on an IPA news release last month, Steve Horn, research fellow for Desmogblog, appeared on The Real News to discuss Obama and the institutionalization of pro-gas and pro-oil policy. In the interview, he brings up concerns about Obama’s history of “pushing different fossil fuel projects around North America and around the world.”


Allan Nairn on WBEZ’s Worldview


After appearing on an IPA news release earlier this week, Allan Nairn, an investigative reporter who has worked on Guatemala for decades, appeared on WBEZ’s Worldview to discuss the current political crisis in Guatemala.


Mark Klein on Bill LuMaye Show


After appearing on an IPA news release earlier this week, Mark Klein, an AT&T technician who blew the whistle on AT&T’s cooperation with the NSA and author, appeared on the Bill LuMaye show to discuss how AT&T assisted the NSA’s spying efforts.


Costas Panayotakis on CounterSpin


Following his appearance on an IPA news release, Costas Panayotakis, associate professor of sociology at the New York City College of Technology at CUNY and author, appeared on CounterSpin to discuss the Greek ‘No’ Vote.


Antonia Juhasz on Democracy Now!


After appearing on an IPA news release, Antonia Juhasz, an oil industry expert, author and investigative journalist, went on the July 9 show of Democracy Now! to discuss the BP gulf oil spill settlement.


Farea Al-Muslimi and Matthieu Aikins on Democracy Now!


(Left) Farea Al-Muslimi, (Right) Matthieu Aikins,

After both were featured on an IPA news release, Yemeni writer and a visiting scholar with Carnegie Middle East Farea Al-Muslimi and overseas journalist Matthieu Aikins, who reported on Yemen for Rolling Stone, appeared on Democracy Now! on July 9 to discuss the bombing of Yemen by a Saudi-led coalition. The bombing led to heavy civilian casualties.


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