News Release

Kissinger at State Dept. — U.S. Repeating Vietnam Policy in Afghanistan?


Henry Kissinger spoke at a conference at the State Department today. See:

Branfman recently wrote the piece “Hillary Clinton and State Dept. to Celebrate War Criminal Henry Kissinger, While the White House Repeats His Deadly Mistakes,” which states: “Nothing more symbolizes how the temptations of power can corrupt youthful values and idealism than Secretary Hillary Clinton’s invitation to Henry Kissinger and Richard Holbrooke to keynote a major State Department conference on the history of the Indochina war. As an idealistic college student, Clinton protested Kissinger’s mass murder of civilians in Indochina. She knows full well that had the international laws protecting civilians in war been applied to Kissinger’s bombing of civilian targets in Indochina he would have been indicted for crimes of war. …

“An attempt is currently being made to build support for today’s war-making in Afghanistan and Pakistan by claiming that the U.S. lost in Indochina because Congress cut aid to [Nguyen Van] Thieu [who won fraudulent South Vietnamese elections]. This view is being articulated not only by Kissinger and other Nixon-era officials but a younger cadre of military officers…”

Branfman uncovered the secret U.S. bombing of Laos while living there from 1967-71. From 1971-5, he co-directed Project Air War and the Indochina Resource Center.

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; or David Zupan, (541) 484-9167