News Release

* Honduras * Hong Kong * Kashmir


ADRIENNE PINE, pine at, @adriennepine
Pine, a professor of anthropology at American University, who was attacked by police recently, was just featured in The Real News segment: “Protests In Honduras Intensify as President Is Implicated in Drug Trafficking.”

REESE ERLICH, reeseerlich at, @ReeseErlich
Erlich’s syndicated column “Foreign Correspondent” appears every two weeks in 48 Hills. His recent pieces include “What’s really going on in Hong Kong” and “China trade war not going well for Trump.”

JUNAID AHMAD, junaidsahmad at
Director of the Center for Global Dialogue and professor of Middle Eastern politics at the University of Lahore, Pakistan, Ahmed was just featured in “Will India’s Occupation of Kashmir Become Colonization?” on The Real News: “Ahmad says India’s revocation of Kashmir’s autonomous status not only increases tensions between India and Pakistan, but is designed to lead into a situation where India encourages colonial settlement in the region and eventual annexation, along the lines of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land.”