Militarization of U.S. Police: Ferguson, Mo.
Community policing reforms came about as a corrective to the 1950-60s professional police model which created a large gulf between police and citizens. Few noticed that underlying all the CP rhetoric was a little noticed yet foretelling trend of para-militarism as found in SWAT teams. What we’re witnessing today, though, with the influence of the…
Unconstitutional acts of war in Iraq
President Obama ignored the wise direction of President George Washington when he casually told the nation — and Congress — that U.S. military forces will engage in acts of war in Iraq for an extended period of weeks and maybe months. Bombing, he said in a brief statement last week, is needed here and there,…
News Conference: Edward Snowden’s Passport, Political Asylum and Related Issues
Ray McGovern, Coleen Rowley and Norman Solomon spoke at this news conference, sponsored by and hosted by the Institute for Public Accuracy.
NSA Veterans and Whistleblowers Respond to Obama Speech
Minutes after President Obama’s major address on NSA surveillance on Friday, Jan. 17, the Institute for Public Accuracy held a news conference with noted NSA veterans and whistleblowers.
The War on Poverty at Fifty
Fifty years after Lyndon B. Johnson made it the centerpiece of his first State of the Union address on January 8, 1964, the War on Poverty remains one of the most embattled—and least understood—of Great Society initiatives.
Edward Snowden: Profile in Courage
Edward Snowden may go down in history as one of this nation’s most important whistleblowers. He is certainly one of the bravest.
Obama’s Economic Race Legacy
From the start, President Barack Obama has shown little interest or loyalty in the issues that affect the poor, working class and people of color in the United States. For almost his entire first term he didn’t utter the words poor or poverty. Early on he reminded African Americans: ‘I’m not the president of black…
What We Should be Talking About: Romney’s Foreign Policy Advisers
John Kennedy used to say, “Domestic policy can hurt us; foreign policy can kill us.”
Dying to Live in Mexico
In 2011, some 12,000 people were murdered in situations presumably related to the drug trafficking industry in Mexico. In 2010, the number was more than 15,000 killed. Between December 2006, when Felipe Calderón of the conservative National Action Party (PAN) took office and declared a “war on drug traffickers” and January 2012, depending on the…
THE PAYROLL TAX CUT: Talk about a Ponzi Scheme!
By Gwendolyn Mink Is President Obama trying to kill Social Security without explicitly saying so? He put Social Security “on the table” for consideration by his Deficit Commission — even though Social Security has not contributed to creating or sustaining the deficit/debt in the first place. He kept Social Security on the table when he…