The United Nations conference on climate is continuing in Madrid until Dec. 13.
Common Dreams reports in “People Who Want to Ban Fracking Immediately, Says Joe Biden, ‘Oughta Vote for Someone Else’” that: “If you want a candidate committed to banning fracking in the United States immediately, find another candidate than Joe Biden.
“That’s the advice of Biden himself, given to an activist from the Sunrise Movement in a video posted online Thursday after the two discussed the former vice president’s adviser Heather Zichal and Biden’s plans for the future of fracking.
“In the video of the interaction posted on Twitter by Sunrise Thursday afternoon, Biden appears confused about Zichal’s connections to the natural gas industry, protesting that the adviser ‘worked for us in the administration.’
“‘No, no, I know,’ the Sunrise activist patiently explains as Biden grabs him by the shoulders. ‘But she also worked –‘
“‘If you look at my record,’ Biden begins, ‘look at my record. Just look at my record.’
“The two discuss fracking as well. Biden tells the activist that ‘you can’t ban fracking right now’ because ‘you gotta transition away from it.’
“‘You’re gonna ban fracking all across America, right now, right?’ Biden asks the Sunrise activist.
“‘I would love to,’ the activist replies.
“‘I’d love to, too,’ says Biden. ‘I’d love to make sure we can’t use any oil or gas, period. Now, now, is it possible?’
“‘Yes,’ replies the Sunrise activist.
“‘Well, you oughta vote for someone else,’ says Biden, releasing the young man and moving on.
“As Sludge reported in May, adviser Zichal ‘recently occupied a lucrative seat on the board of the Texas-based liquified natural gas (LNG) company Cheniere Energy.’ Cheniere is a frequent donor to Republican politicians.”
ALEX KOTCH, alex at, @alexkotch
Kotch is senior investigative reporter specializing in money-in-politics for Sludge, which focuses on uncovering corruption. He wrote the piece “Biden’s Climate Adviser Earned $1 Million From Natural Gas Company” in May of this year.