Search results for: “Amy Coney Barrett”
Barrett: “Is Social Security Safe from the Courts?”
“It is important to remember that when Social Security became law, most thought it would be struck down as unconstitutional.”
Barrett: Farcical Roots of “Originalism” — Bork Precedent
“Barrett promises to be Scalia on steroids. She has criticized his ‘faint-hearted’ version of ‘originalism.'”
“Justice” Barrett?
“Donald Trump rushed to nominate Barrett and enlisted his consigliere, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), to ram [Barrett’s] nomination through the Senate so she can support Trump’s legal challenges to any election results that favor Joe Biden.”
Supreme Court: After Ginsburg — Barrett?
“Amy Coney Barrett, a federal appellate court judge, has emerged as one of the front-runners to fill the seat left vacant by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, three sources told NBC News.”
Abortion: Supreme Court Effectively Deputizing Citizens as “Bounty Hunters”
Cohn said today: “Texas Senate Bill 8 bans nearly all abortions in Texas and flies in the face of the Supreme Court’s holding in Roe v. Wade. Nevertheless, in a 5-4 decision, the right-wingers on the Court refused to stop the Texas law from going into effect. John Roberts joined the three liberals in dissent.…
”Counterpacking” the Supreme Court
“Democrats must play hard ball. They should pledge that if Joe Biden wins the election and the Democrats assume control of the Senate, they will raise the number of members on the Supreme Court from 9 to 13.”
* Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty Enters into Force * Religious Freedom?
“Fifty countries have ratified an international treaty to ban nuclear weapons, the United Nations has announced, allowing the ‘historic’ text to enter into force in 90 days.”
Questions on SCOTUS Nominee: What Version of Christianity?
“With the nomination of a new supreme court judge, some are being accused of ‘anti-catholicism’ for posing questions about your religious beliefs. I, however, think questions like the following are important and I am sure that you are open to discussing them with the American public whose job it is [for you] to serve.”