Search results for: “DUP Deal Highlights British Anti-Catholicism, Threatens Peace in Ireland”

  • DUP Deal Highlights British Anti-Catholicism, Threatens Peace in Ireland

    “If a person is not acutely aware the British government has used (since the Reformation) anti-Catholicism as one of its main weapons of oppression in Ireland, then that person is woefully ignorant of both Irish history and British history. And if one does not realize that anti-Catholicism is still deeply rooted in a significant section…

  • British Monarch’s Anti-Catholic Pledge

    The coronation of King Charles and the words of the oath he swore — solemnly, formally, and as King — raises anew the issue of state-sponsored anti-Catholicism in the UK and Northern Ireland. The Guardian in a 2001 editorial highlighted this issue, describing ‘the basis for the modern-day monarchy — an act of parliament which explicitly discriminates against…