Winter Soldier on the Hill


Boots-on-the-ground veterans are testifying before Congress on Thursday about the effects of the Iraq occupation. This testimony, presented by veterans who have witnessed firsthand the devastation of Iraq and its people, comes on the same day that Congress is expected to debate a bill extending funding for the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan through 2009.

On Thursday, May 15, members of Iraq Veterans Against the War will testify before members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

“Before members of Congress vote to provide more funding they need to hear about the true costs of the occupation of Iraq from those who have experienced it first-hand. Congress has heard from the Generals and the politicians — now it’s time they heard from the troops,” said Kelly Dougherty, Executive Director of IVAW and former Military Police Sergeant.

Winter Soldier on the Hill is taking place two months after Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan, a four-day summit where hundreds of members of IVAW gathered to present testimony about their military experiences to the public. It is being held Thursday, May 15, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 2261 Rayburn House Office Building.

Further information including a list of those testifying is at The proceedings are expected to be carried live by C-Span3.

Among the veterans participating:

Originally from Santa Fe, New Mexico, Kokesh volunteered in 2003 to go to Iraq with the 3rd Civil Affairs Group out of Camp Pendleton. He was attached to the First Marine Regiment, which was responsible for the Fallujah area. Kokesh will be testifying about the creation of internally displaced refugees during the siege of Fallujah, changing rules of engagement, taking war trophy photographs, and abuse of detainees.
More Information

Dougherty is the executive director of IVAW and a former military police sergeant. Francesca Lo Basso can also direct media to other veterans who will be speaking on the Hill Thursday. IVAW was founded in 2004 “to give those who have served in the military since September 11, 2001 a way to come together and speak out against an unjust, illegal and unwinnable occupation. Today, IVAW has over 1,000 members in 48 states, Washington, D.C. and Canada and on military bases overseas.”

Originally from Buffalo, New York, Millard joined the New York Army National Guard in 1998 at the age of 17. He served for nine years including tours of duty at the World Trade Center ground zero after 9-11 and for 13 months in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Millard will testify on endemic racism during his tour of Iraq, including among high-ranking Army officers.

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; or David Zupan, (541) 484-9167