“Amiri Told CIA Iran Has No Nuclear Bomb Program”


Porter just wrote “Amiri Told CIA Iran Has No Nuclear Bomb Program” for Inter Press Service. The piece states: “Contrary to a news media narrative that Iranian scientist Shahram Amiri has provided intelligence on covert Iranian nuclear weapons work, CIA sources familiar with the Amiri case say he told his CIA handlers that there is no such Iranian nuclear weapons program, according to a former CIA officer.

“Philip Giraldi, a former CIA counterterrorism official, told IPS that his sources are CIA officials with direct knowledge of the entire Amiri operation.”

Porter notes that in June the Washington Post ran a “story quoting David Albright, director of the Institute for Science and International Security, as saying that the intelligence briefings for Security Council members had included ‘information about nuclear weaponization’ obtained from Amiri. Albright said he had been briefed on the intelligence earlier that week, and the Post reported a ‘U.S. official’ had confirmed Albright’s account.”

Porter is an investigative journalist and historian specializing in U.S. national security policy. His most recent book is Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam.

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