CIA Spying on Assange Extended to Legal Team, Other Journalists, Activists


CHIP GIBBONS,, @ChipGibbons89

Policy director for Defending Rights & Dissent, Gibbons has a new piece in Jacobin examining the allegations that company UC Global was co-opted by the CIA resulting in violations of civil liberties, human rights, and international law. Based on examination of legal proceedings in three countries, international reporting, and his own original interviews, he concludes that there is good reason to believe the CIA continuously spied on Assange and his visitors, and plotted t

o kill or kidnap the WikiLeaks publisher. While the covert operation initially targeted Assange, it ensnared his legal team and other visitors.

Gibbons writes: “The allegations against UC Global and the CIA constitute a major spying scandal with an international scope. In addition to violating the rights of a political, the story involves breaches of an embassy’s sovereignty and the surveillance of a range of journalists, human rights defenders, and politicians. Whether they were intentional targets or collateral damage in the CIA’s war on WikiLeaks, their surveillance, like that of Assange, remains an outrageous deprivation of human rights.”

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, David Zupan,

September 26, 2022