Confronting the Corporate Exploitation of Tweens


CLAIRE NADER, via Francesco DeSantis,

Nader is a social scientist and recently wrote the book “You Are Your Own Best Teacher! — Sparking the Curiosity, Imagination and Intellect of Tweens.” See the website:

She said today about her book: “I seek to discuss the loss of control by parents over their youngsters who are being direct marketed everyday by corporate hucksters (e.g., junk food) and addicted by the Internet Gulag Wardens up to six hours a day. This massive abduction of our children into a manipulative and exploitative virtual reality, separating them from their parents, communities, nature and even their teachers — reality in a word — calls for action. My book with 54 short topics starts by directly speaking to these tweens, sparking their curiosity, imagination and intellect to the delight of their parents and resultant liberating family conversation. Teachers have told me that the book, which is to be read and used, will improve the classroom performance of these young readers.”

A review of Nader’s book by Dorothea V. Dicecco in the Republican-American in Connecticut was recently entered into the Congressional Record by John Larson (D-Conn.).