Corbyn’s “Truth About the ‘War on Terror’”


The British Independent reports: “Terror funding report: Calls grow for release of ‘sensitive’ Home Office document ‘pointing finger at Saudi Arabia’.”

Reuters reports that Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who is challenging Theresa May to be Britain’s prime minister in an election Thursday stated, “We do need to have some difficult conversations starting with Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states that have funded and fueled extremist ideology.”

BEN NORTON, MAX BLUMENTHAL, via Jenny Pierson Jenny at, @BenjaminNorton@MaxBlumenthal

Norton is a reporter for AlterNet’s Grayzone Project. His recent pieces include “Watch: State Dept. Spokesman Speechless When Asked to Justify Trump’s Support for Saudi Monarchy.”

Blumenthal is a senior editor of the Grayzone Project at AlterNet, and the award-winning author of Goliath and Republican Gomorrah. His most recent book is The 51 Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza. He also recently wrote the piece “The Manchester Bombing Is Blowback from the West’s Disastrous Interventions and Covert Proxy Wars.”

Available for a limited number of interviews, they just wrote the piece “Jeremy Corbyn Dares to Speak Truth About the ‘War on Terror’ — and British Voters Are Responding.”

They write: “The leftist Labour leader forcefully condemned the ‘horrific terror and the brutal slaughter of innocent people.’ But unlike his political peers, Corbyn did not depoliticize the bombing. He explained that in order to prevent future attacks, Britain’s foreign policy must change. Foreign wars may not be the only thing fueling this violence, he noted, but they are a key factor.

“‘We must be brave enough to admit the War on Terror is simply not working,’ Corbyn emphasized. ‘We need a smarter way to reduce the threat from countries that nurture terrorists and generate terrorism.’ …

“British intelligence services played a direct role in supporting Islamist militancy in Libya, working closely with the Al Qaeda-affiliated Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) in a cynical bid to topple Qaddafi. When NATO escalated 2011 protests in Libya into an explicit regime change operation, the U.S. and U.K. governments encouraged foreign fighters to travel to the North African nation to help fight. Among those who took the MI6 ratline from Manchester to Libya was Ramadan Abedi, the father of the bomber.

“During her tenure as Home Secretary, Theresa May was in charge of overseeing the operations of MI5, Britain’s domestic intelligence agency. It was during this time that Libya was flooded with fighters from the U.K., with passports being handed even to British-Libyan citizens under government control orders for their alleged ties to extremist groups. …

“In a groundbreaking speech on May 26, Jeremy Corbyn pledged to ‘change what we do abroad.’ He linked Western wars of aggression to the plague of violent jihadist attacks targeting soft targets in the West.

“’Many experts, including professionals in our intelligence and security services, have pointed to the connections between wars our government has supported or fought in other countries, such as Libya, and terrorism here at home,’ Corbyn noted.”

Also, see recent piece in The Nation by Sam Husseini: “After a Terrorist Attack, Spain Rejected Its Hawks. Will Britain?