The New York Times reports: “Tillerson Warns Russia on Syria, Saying Assad Era Is ‘Coming to an End’.”
A group of prominent former intelligence and other officials have released a statement warning President Trump: “We write to give you an unambiguous warning of the threat of armed hostilities with Russia — with the risk of escalation to nuclear war. …
“We believe it of transcendent importance to prevent relations with Russia from falling into a state of complete disrepair.”
The signers include: Ann Wright, Peter Van Buren, Scott Ritter, Coleen Rowley, David MacMichael, John Kiriakou, John Brady Kiesling, Matthew Hoh and William Binney.
Read the full statement, which includes a full list of signers (members of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity) and their past affiliations — from virtually every branch of the U.S. national security state: “Trump Should Rethink Syria Escalation.”
Among the signers available for interviews:
PHILIP GIRALDI, ebquillen [at]
CIA, Operations Officer (ret.)
ELIZABETH MURRAY, emurray404 [at], @elizabethmurra
Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Near East, CIA and National Intelligence Council (ret.)
RAY McGOVERN, [currently in NYC] rrmcgovern [at], @raymcgovern
Former U.S. Army infantry/intelligence officer & CIA analyst (ret.)