Morsi vs. The Continuing Egyptian Revolution?


SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS [email], @sharifkouddous
Sharif Abdel Kouddous is a Democracy Now! correspondent based in Cairo. He reported this morning: “Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi dropped a bombshell with this seven point constitutional declaration. … The only check on Morsi was the judiciary — and now he has placed himself beyond that as well.”

PHILIP RIZK [email], @tabulagaza
A film-maker, writer and member of the Mosireen video collective, Rizk said today: “The revolution never stopped in Egypt, it was never about toppling a president, it was about toppling the type of political system in power, whether it’s under Mubarak, a military junta or a religion-pushing president like Mohamed Morsi. The numbers in the streets and the unceasing chants of ‘the people demand the toppling of the regime’ confirm that statement. Just because the international media have their sites set elsewhere doesn’t mean that the current moment of revolt is any less powerful than January 2011.

“With his constitutional declaration three days ago Morsi proves he is in line with his presidential predecessors. We are against dictators, we are against the security forces murdering our protesters, we are against economic enslavement by IFIs [international financial institutions] like the IMF [International Monetary Fund] that the Brotherhood are happy to coordinate with, so we keep on protesting. This era of neo-colonialism must come to an end.”

See videos of protests in Egypt from the Mosireen video collective.

This background video, with English subtitles, focuses on why people began going back to the streets on Nov. 19.