At last night’s Republican candidate debate, Congressman Ron Paul said “There’s a difference between military spending and defense spending. I’m tired of all the militarism we’re involved in. … I agree, we’re in alot of danger but most of the danger comes from a lack of wisdom in our foreign policy. … We’re under grave threat because we’re occupying so many countries. … What would we do if another country — say China — did to us what we do to all those countries over there? …” See video.
AP is reporting today: “Taliban insurgents fired rocket-propelled grenades and assault rifles at the U.S. Embassy, NATO headquarters and other buildings in the heart of the Afghan capital Tuesday.”
GARETH PORTER, porter.gareth50 at
Porter is an investigative journalist and historian specializing in U.S. national security policy who just wrote the piece “Ignoring Post-9/11 Deaths of Innocents,” which states: “In the commentary on the tenth anniversary of 9/11, the news and infotainment media predictably framed the discussion by the question of how successful the CIA and the military have been in destroying al Qaeda.
“Absent from the torrent of opinion and analysis was any mention of how the U.S. military occupation of Muslim lands and wars which continue to kill Muslim civilians fuel jihadist sentiment that will keep the threat of terrorism high for many years to come.”
AP reports: “[Texas Governor Rick] Perry again said he should have consulted the state legislature before ordering all Texas pre-teen girls to be vaccinated against a virus that can cause cervical cancer, unless their parents refused. ‘I am always going to err on the side of life,’ he said.
“[Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, a tea party favorite who has fallen back in recent polls, swung in forcefully. ‘Is it about life or was it about millions of dollars and potentially billions for a drug company’ whose lobbyist was a former top Perry aide, she asked.
“Perry said the drug maker, Merck, gave his campaign $5,000 of the roughly $30 million he raised. ‘If you’re saying that I can be bought for $5,000, I’m offended,’ Perry said.
“The Minnesota congresswoman shot back, ‘Well, I’m offended for all the little girls and the parents that didn’t have a choice.’”
EMILY TARSELL, tarsell at
Tarsell’s daughter Christina Richelle Tarsell died 18 days after her third shot of Gardasil, the drug in question for the HPV virus. Tarsell has been active on the issue since then. See her webpage.
She said today: “My daughter is one of about 100 deaths to date. There have been a much higher number of reports of auto-immune irregularities from the vaccine. Gardasil got fast track approval even though cervical cancer is not a huge problem in the U.S. because of the prevalence of pap smears here. To this day, there’s no proven benefit of Gardasil.” See Emily Tarsell’s testimony.
Full video of the CNN/Tea Party Express event.
See FAIR release: “CNN Throws a Tea Party: Network aligns with controversial far-right activists.“