News Release

Targeting Environmentalists


WILL POTTER, will at
Author of the new book “Green Is the New Red: An Insider’s Account of a Social Movement Under Siege,” Potter said today: “With Earth Day approaching, everyone is talking about ‘going green.’ But most people are unaware that anti-terrorism resources are being used to target environmentalists and animal rights activists. In Pennsylvania, a counter-terrorism firm was used to spy on people who attended film screenings of the documentary ‘Gasland.’ In California, activists have faced terrorism charges for chalking slogans on the sidewalk. And environmentalist Tim DeChristopher is now facing 10 years in prison for non-violently disrupting an oil and gas auction. Industry groups have created the term ‘eco-terrorism’ to demonize a group of people because of their political beliefs. And their campaigns have successfully turned these groups into the FBI’s ‘number one domestic terrorism threat.'”

Background: “‘Bogus Bidder’ Convicted Of Disrupting Energy Auction

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Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; or David Zupan, (541) 484-9167