Frederick Clarkson in Al Jazeera



Following an appearance on a recent IPA news release, Frederick Clarkson, a senior fellow for Religious Liberty at social-justice think-thank Political Research Associates and author of When Exemption is the Rule: The Religious Freedom Strategy of the Christian Right, was quoted in an Al Jazeera article, in which he discusses the qualifications of Gov. Mike Pence as Donald Trump’s running mate. He states: “Pence needs to demonstrate that he brings knowledge, measured judgement and gravitas to the ticket.

“As a former six term member of Congress and current governor of a state, we can believe that Pence will do that. But then the question becomes, what is the substance that he brings? …

“Although abortion rights and marriage equality are part of the unambiguous law of the land, Pence represents the politics of permanent reaction and rollback, seeking to use the tools of government to undermine access to these rights wherever he can.”

Clarkson was also interviewed by Scott Harris on “Between the Lines” (WPKN), Laurel Avalon on “Peace and Social Justice” (KZFR) and Ian Masters on “Background Briefing.”