Military Families and Veterans in D.C.


Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in Iraq in combat, is arriving today in Washington, D.C., with the “Bring Them Home Now Bus Tour,” which has traveled around the U.S. the last several weeks. She and other military family members will be participating in major protests in D.C. this weekend. Other military family members available for interviews include Al Zappala of Philadelphia, whose son Sgt. Sherwood Baker was the first Pennsylvania National Guardsman to die in combat since World War II, and Tammara Rosenleaf of Belton, Texas, whose husband is stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas, and is slated to be deployed to Iraq this fall. Sheehan said today: “My efforts for these last weeks since we left Camp Casey in Crawford have been about standing up against the disastrous policies of the Bush administration and about helping people who are suffering because of those policies. That includes the U.S. troops who are risking their lives every day in Iraq, and it also includes the good citizens of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. We need to take the money that’s being spent on war and destruction in Iraq and put it toward hurricane relief and reconstruction in New Orleans.”
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A specialist in the U.S. Army for four years, Camacho was in Iraq from March 2003 to March 2004. He said today: “It’s chaos over there — the soldiers are not being used for what they are supposed to be used. I pledged to defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Iraq wasn’t threatening the U.S., it wasn’t threatening the U.S. Constitution. This administration is endangering our Constitution. The Iraqis were happy we got rid of Saddam, but what we’ve done since then is create another police state.”
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Key is a U.S. Marine. He said today: “I patrolled around the Iranian border in 2003; was medevaced out on a non-combat injury. My unit was pulled out; I’ve since come out of the closet on CNN as a gay man to exit the military and voice opposition to the war in Iraq. … What we’re doing in Iraq is giving al-Qaeda one big recruiting tool. We are fueling resentment against ourselves. There were no weapons of mass destruction and no one is being held accountable. We’re supposed to be there for democracy. Well, it’s the clear will of the Iraqi people that we get out; and it’s now the will of the people in the U.S. that we get out. Leaders should do the will of the people or get fired.” He founded the Mehadi Foundation, which supports U.S. veterans dealing with drug and alcohol and other concerns, and also provides assistance to Iraqi civilians. He has also written a play, “The Eyes of Babylon,” which ran for eight months in Los Angeles and will go on tour before playing off-B
roadway next fall.
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For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; or David Zupan, (541) 484-9167