The Center for Public Integrity has released a report titled “Orchestrated Deception on the Path to War.”
In October 2002, MacArthur wrote the article “Sounds Fishy, Mr. President: To Drum Up Rage Against Iraq, Bush Senior and Junior Have Been Known to Tell Tall Tales” and in January of 2003 he appeared on “NOW” with Bill Moyers, well before the invasion of Iraq, refuting the administration’s falsehoods for war.
MacArthur, available for a limited number of interviews, said today: “The administration lied its way into attacking Iraq and now wants us to believe that it can foster a democracy in Iraq built on a foundation of lies.”
Schwarz has been a contributor to and has written extensively about the deceptions surrounding weapons of mass destruction claims. He said today: “The Center for Public Integrity has done a great job bringing the issue of the Bush administration’s deceit on Iraq back to public attention. However, there’s more work to do. First, the study is missing some of the administration’s most egregious deceit, as on the issue of Saddam’s son-in-law Hussein Kamel. Second, CPI did not cover the Iraq deception by the Clinton administration, which set the stage for Bush. And third, there’s been almost no coverage of the fact that, five years since the war began, Congress STILL hasn’t investigated what happened — a cover-up for which Democratic leaders such as Senator Intelligence Committee chairman Jay Rockefeller bear significant responsibility.”
More Information
For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; or David Zupan, (541) 484-9167
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