Israel’s 60th


AP is reporting: “President Bush on Wednesday opened a celebratory visit to Israel … ‘We consider the Holy Land a very special place, and we consider the Israeli people our close friends,’ Bush said. … The Palestinians are marking the 60th anniversary of the ‘nakba,’ or catastrophe…”

Currently in Washington, D.C., Rothchild is author of the new book Broken Promises, Broken Dreams: Stories of Jewish and Palestinian Trauma and Resilience. She is active with Jewish Voice for Peace.

Her piece “The Other Side of Israel’s Birth” appears in today’s Baltimore Sun: “As Israel celebrates its 60th anniversary … I wonder what would happen if this tragedy, al Nakba, were to be publicly recognized alongside the Israeli victory. Perhaps taking the risk of acknowledging the pain of the ‘other’ and seeing ‘the enemy’ as a real person is how peace is ultimately made.”

Rothchild said today: “The stance of the major party presidential candidates is a testament to how powerful the pro-Israeli lobby is.”
More Information

Founder and president of the Palestine Land Society based in London, Salman Abu Sitta is editor of The Atlas of Palestine. He will be arriving in the U.S. on Wednesday evening. He said today: “The 60th anniversary of al Nakba — that is, the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians — and the creation of Israel on the ruins of Palestine shows that wars, occupation, brutal force and racist policies will not bring peace to the Holy Land. It is only justice based on international law that will bring it. That can be achieved by reversing ethnic cleansing and allowing the Palestinian refugees to return home. There is no legal or practical reason to prevent that except Israel’s intransigence.”

Abu Sitta will speak at the Palestine Center in Washington, D.C. on Thursday at noon. Assad is executive director of the Palestine Center.

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; or David Zupan, (541) 484-9167


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