Allegations of Voter Registration Fraud


Keyssar is the Stirling Professor of History and Social Policy at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard and the author of the book “he Right to Vote: The Contested History of Democracy in the United States. He said today: “Once again we seem to be finding a pattern where allegations of fraud are being mobilized as a rationale to construct new barriers to voting. Fraud is a serious matter, but in our recent history the far more prevalent problem has been the creation of procedural obstacles to the ballot box for legitimate, eligible citizens.”
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Miller is a professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University, and author of Fooled Again: The Real Case for Electoral Reform and Loser Take All: Election Fraud and the Subversion of Democracy, 2000-2008. Miller said today: “The GOP has used the myth of Democratic ‘voter fraud’ not just to cloud the issue, but to justify the passage of Jim Crow legislation, like the photo ID law in Indiana, the birth certificate requirement in Pima County, Arizona, and other measures meant to disenfranchise voters by the tens of thousands.”

Wasserman is co-author of the books What Happened in Ohio? and As Goes Ohio. He stated today: “With Ohio once again the pivotal state that could decide the presidency, the GOP is attacking the thousands of registrations submitted by the grassroots organization ACORN. Though the vast bulk of these registrations are legitimate, ACORN is legally required to also submit those that are faulty, giving the GOP an excuse to attack them all. The Republicans are also attacking the Democratic Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, who has reformed the electoral process throughout the state and has won critical court victories making it easier and safer for Ohioans to vote, and to have their votes fairly counted, as they were not in 2004.”

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; or David Zupan, (541) 484-9167