Voices on Yugoslavia


A former Yugoslavia desk officer at the U.S. State Department, Kenney said: “An unimpeachable press source who regularly travels with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told [me] that, swearing reporters to deep-background confidentiality at the Rambouillet talks, a senior State Department official had bragged that the United States ‘deliberately set the bar higher than the Serbs could accept.’ The Serbs needed, according to the official, a little bombing to see reason. That was clear in Appendix B of Rambouillet. This war was totally avoidable.”

The executive director of Peace Action, one of 26 people arrested in front of the White House yesterday, Clark said: “We are not demanding President Clinton’s ‘cautious optimism,’ we are demanding an end to this immoral, illegal and insane bombing campaign. We will be joining with others tomorrow in protesting against this war.”

A Dominican nun and member of the Jonah House Community, Platte was also arrested yesterday. She said: “Citizens have to plead the cause for peace. Clinton bombs countries, defies the Constitution, defies international law and in the next breath tells children that they can’t use violence. Last year, I participated in a plowshare action, destroying weapons at a military show at Andrews Air Force base. There were children there ‘playing’ with the weapons. I sent pictures of it to Hillary and Bill Clinton — they should look at what they’re teaching before they go preaching.”
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Co-editor of Burn This House: The Making and Unmaking of Yugoslavia, Udovicki said: “Incineration of so much of civilian life in Yugoslavia, 300 schools included, was easy. Will the countries that devastated Yugoslavia finally see what the West has failed to see in the last decade: that the only path to stability in the Balkans is sustained and active support of democratic forces in Serbia? It is those forces Milosevic is now likely to try to quell with all his might.”

An associate professor of politics and chair of the Peace and Justice Studies Program at the University of San Francisco, Zunes said: “An imposed Western formula on Kosovo will result in an uneasy truce in a badly divided society which will not heal the wounds, encourage democracy or lead to real peace. While forcing an effective surrender through weeks of bombing can be successful, it will likely result in such bitterness that it will only pave the way for a dangerous political reaction, which may not be seen for some years to come, but will only add to the sense of historical wrong which manifests in violent and chauvinistic ideologies.”

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy: Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; David Zupan, (541) 484-9167


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