McGovern worked as a CIA analyst for 27 years. Before the invasion of Iraq he co-authored the article “Cooking Intelligence for War” with other members of the steering group for Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. He said today: “The ‘investigation’ is slated to go past the election. Members will be picked by the president, and the scope is unconscionably wider than is necessary. They can investigate the space shuttle disaster in nine months; there’s no reason why they need longer for this, especially since so much work has already been done.”
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Quigley is author of The Ruses for War: American Intervention Since World War II and a professor of international law at Ohio State University. On February 10, 2003 (shortly after Colin Powell’s presentation to the U.N. Security Council), Quigley was on an IPA news release titled “U.S. Credibility Problems,” noting a history of false U.S. claims to justify attacking other countries. Today he noted that in 2002 the CIA was actually warning the administration of a lack of evidence of a threat from Iraq.
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Jensen is a journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin and author of Citizens of the Empire: The Struggle to Claim Our Humanity. Rahul Mahajan is publisher of Empire Notes (www.empirenotes.org) and author of the book Full Spectrum Dominance: U.S. Power in Iraq and Beyond. They said today: “The Iraq War wasn’t the result of an ‘intelligence failure.’ It was the result of a spectacular political success — the maneuvering of a nation to war when no threat existed, over the objections of the world community…. On February 5, 2003, Secretary Powell claimed that ‘most U.S. experts’ believed that Iraqi purchases of aluminum tubes were for centrifuges that would do uranium isotope separation — not for artillery, as Iraq had claimed. Actually, most experts said the opposite. George W. Bush said that Iraq had purchased uranium from ‘Africa,’ a claim based on forgeries so crude that IAEA analysts said a couple of hours on Google would suffice to expose them. On October 7, 2002, Bush said Iraq was planning to use its unmanned aerial vehicles to target the U.S. although their top range was about 400 miles. On March 16, 2003, Dick Cheney said, ‘We believe he [Saddam] has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons.’ Neither the International Atomic Energy Agency nor anyone else had ever said anything of the kind; since nuclear weapons activities give off radiation, they are very easily detected, and inspectors had been doing on-site visits for four months at the time….”
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Miller wrote the article “Deception with a Purpose: Hutton Whitewash Leaves Blair in the Dock.” He is the editor of the recently released book Tell Me Lies: Propaganda and Media Distortion in the Attack on Iraq and is a member of the Stirling Media Research Institute in Britain. Miller said today: “People in Britain are not accepting the Hutton report; it is correctly being perceived as a whitewash for the Blair government…. What’s needed is a truly independent international investigation, like what Bertrand Russell organized on the Vietnam War.”
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For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; David Zupan, (541) 484-9167
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