* Iraq’s WMD * Israel’s Nukes * ‘Terrorism’


Mahajan is the co-author of an op-ed published today in USA Today titled “End the Deception” and author of the forthcoming book Full Spectrum Dominance: U.S. Power in Iraq and Beyond. He was featured in an IPA news release on March 18, 2003 titled “White House Claims: A Pattern of Deceit,” which noted a series of fabrications by the administration which were clear before the invasion of Iraq: The Al-Samoud 2 missiles, which Ari Fleischer claimed Iraq denied having, were in fact disclosed in Iraq’s December 7, 2002 declaration; the aluminum tubes cited by President Bush in his State of the Union address as suitable for nuclear weapons production were reported in the Washington Post as ill-suited for such a purpose by IAEA’s team of centrifuge experts; and the administration withheld the fact that Iraqi defector Lt. Gen. Hussein Kamel, often cited to bolster the case that Iraq was still hiding weapons of mass destruction, told U.N. inspectors that Iraq destroyed its entire stockpile of chemical and biological weapons and banned missiles.
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Rangwala, a lecturer in politics at Cambridge University, broke the story revealing that the British intelligence dossier endorsed by Powell before the U.N. Security Council was plagiarized from a graduate student thesis on the Internet. In an Institute for Public Accuracy news release on February 10, 2003, Rangwala said: “Powell’s citation of the plagiarized paper is merely a symptom of the weak case he is putting forward.” In a recent op-ed, “The Lies That Led Us Into War,” published by the British newspaper The Independent, Rangwala wrote: “One key tactic of the British and United States governments in their campaign on Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction was to talk up suspicions and to portray possibility as fact. The clearest example was the quotation and misquotation of the reports of United Nations weapons inspectors.” Today he said: “Before the war, it was well known that the U.N. inspectors had not found any nuclear, chemical or biological weapons in Iraq since at least 1994, aside from a dozen abandoned mustard shells, and that the vast majority of any weapons produced before 1991 would have degraded to the point of uselessness within 10 years….”
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Cohen-Joppa is the coordinator of the U.S. Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu. An Israeli nuclear whistleblower, Vanunu has been imprisoned in that country for 16 years. The U.S. government, having made allegations about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, continues to refuse to acknowledge the existence of Israel’s nuclear arsenal.
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Executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy, Solomon is attending a conference on terrorism in London. He said: “Worldwide, it will be impossible to sustain public trust in anti-terrorist efforts without adhering to standards that consistently reject terrorism. Launching aggressive wars and providing massive support to abusers of human rights are themselves acts of terrorism — by the strong. They are sure to heighten rage and provoke acts of terrorism by the weak.” Solomon contrasted the scrutiny the Blair government is receiving regarding its claims of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction with the relatively docile reaction in the U.S.
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For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; or David Zupan, (541) 484-9167