Pastor emeritus of the Holman United Methodist Church in Los Angeles, a colleague of Martin Luther King Jr. and a protester, Lawson said: “People are continuing the historic way of social change — they are in the streets risking jail and position, working to change the status quo.”
A member of the Direct Action Network in Los Angeles, Ruiz was hit by approximately 10 rubber bullets on Monday evening when police opened fire. He said: “I was trying to get people out of the area while avoiding a stampede, but the police started firing off rubber pellets and bullets.”
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Co-founder of Global Exchange and co-editor of the book Globalize This!, Danaher said today: “Both the Democratic and Republican leaderships are pushing the corporate trade agenda while neither is challenging the gross inequality in the distribution of our nation’s wealth — with the richest one percent owning more than the poorest 80 percent.”
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Assistant majority leader of the California legislature, Cedillo said: “Locally, in Los Angeles, a progressive coalition of labor, people of color and others has been effective in making real change, for example in working for a living wage.”
Professor of politics at the University of California at Santa Cruz and author of Welfare’s End, Mink said today: “Gore’s selection of Lieberman is troubling, and not only because of Lieberman’s New Democrat pieties about personal responsibility instead of government responsibility. The Lieberman candidacy signals an affirmation of the anti-woman, patriarchal moralism initially made famous by Republicans.”
Oil campaign coordinator for Project Underground, James said today: “While Al Gore is denouncing ‘big oil,’ he is relying on Occidental Petroleum for political donations and personal profit; meanwhile the U’wa people of Colombia are under the gun because of Occidental’s drilling on their land.”
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Coordinator of the Iraq Action Coalition, Masri said: “Hillary Clinton and others can tout this as a ‘peaceful’ time where our leaders ‘put children first,’ but our government is continuing to bomb Iraq and insist on economic sanctions, which are causing the deaths of 5,000 Iraqi children every month.”
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Director of the Free Speech Internet Project, Drolet said: “The police used a spurious bomb threat to shut down our satellite truck outside the Independent Media Center.”
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For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy: Sam Husseini, (415) 552-5378 or cell: (415) 518-3611