* Iraq UN Debate * White House News Conference


Ratner is president of the Center for Constitutional Rights and coauthor of Against War with Iraq. A resolution with a March 17 deadline is reportedly being put forward to the Security Council. Ratner said today: “The U.S. government is clearly desperate to get some sort of cover for its war. No one has shown that Iraq is a threat. There’s no self-defense here; Bush is just trying to find some sort of cover for naked aggression.”
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Paul, executive director of the Global Policy Forum, monitors policy-making at the United Nations.
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Editor of the new book Biological Warfare and Disarmament: New Problems/New Perspectives, Wright said today: “That any country could contemplate a war over weapons that have not been found would seem ludicrous if this scenario did not appear so close to happening…. Going to war opens the door to a lawless world — precisely the world that the UN and its Security Council were designed to exclude….”
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Executive director of Africa Action, Booker is available for interviews on the positions of African countries and a general assessment of the Iraq crisis.
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Khadduri worked with the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission from 1968 until 1998. Now in Canada, he is scheduled to be interviewed by the International Atomic Energy Agency on Saturday. He questions any evidence that Iraq has a post-1991 nuclear program.
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Mahajan is author of the book The New Crusade: America’s War Against Terrorism and the forthcoming book The U.S. War on Iraq: Myths, Facts, and Lies. He said today: “The administration is resorting to outright falsehoods in its drive for invasion. For example, Ari Fleischer recently said Saddam Hussein ‘denied he had these weapons [the Al-Samoud missiles], and then he destroys things he says he never had.’ But actually Iraq declared those missiles in the December 7 report, and before that in October.”

* White House News Conference

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Editor of Corporate Crime Reporter, Mokhiber was at the White House news conference last night. He said today: “Last night’s might have been the most controlled Presidential news conference in recent memory. Even the President admitted during the press conference that ‘this is a scripted’ press conference. The President had a list of 17 reporters who he was going to call on. He didn’t take any questions from reporters raising their hands. And he refused to call on Helen Thomas, the dean of the White House press corps, who traditionally asks the first question….”
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