9/11 Advocates on Manchester Attacks and Saudi Weapons Deal


Kristen Breitweiser, Monica Gabrielle, Mindy Kleinberg and Lorie Van Auken are with September 11th Advocates. They are widows and activists who pressured the U.S. government to conduct a formal investigation into the terror attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, which killed each of their husbands.

They have just released a statement on the Manchester terror attacks and the Saudi weapons deal: “First and foremost, our condolences go out to the families of those who lost their lives in the latest terrorist attack in Manchester, England. We know all too well the horror they are experiencing today, and our hearts ache for them.

“Terrorism is designed to strike fear in the hearts of the families and friends of the victims and for all of those who watch helplessly in horror. …

“All of these innocent people [were] killed by terrorists, just like the men and women who simply went to work at both the World Trade Center and Pentagon or boarded planes on the morning of 9/11 and were killed by al Qaeda.

“The truth is that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is neither a stable, nor reliable nation — let alone a trusted ally. Too much evidence exists proving that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia financially and logistically supports groups like ISIS that commit lethal terrorist attacks around the globe. …

“We respectfully reiterate that far from contributing to Middle East peace, this $110 billion weapons deal [with Saudi Arabia] will only foment more hatred, increase further violence, and contribute immeasurably to loss of innocent life at the diabolical hands of terrorists. Why would America or any American want to play any role in that — let alone a financial one, by knowingly cutting a deal and signing up for it?”

They are reachable for interviews via september11advocates[at]gmail.com.

Breitweiser recently wrote the piece “Trump Lets Saudis Off on 9/11 Evidence” and is on Twitter: @kdbreitweiser.