Thanksgiving: * Supporting the Troops * First Thanksgiving * Buy Nothing Day


Co-founder and national coordinator of Iraq Veterans Against the War, Hoffman said today: “For Thanksgiving, one can expect President Bush and others to pontificate about the troops and the sacrifices we’ve made in Iraq; but what has he actually done to support us?” Hoffman is currently near Philadelphia.
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Author of the two-volume book American Indian History, Venables said today: “Hallmark Cards is not likely to promote the fact that the first thing the Pilgrims did when they landed in what is now Massachusetts was loot Indian graves. The original Thanksgiving held great potential for cooperation, but the children of that first Thanksgiving slaughtered each other as the Pilgrims demanded more and more Indian land. The white children of the first celebration sold the Indian children of the first Thanksgiving into slavery in Virginia, the Caribbean, Spain and Morocco…. If you want to see what globalization does if it’s carried out by right-wing corporate forces, consider that after 1492 half the globe — the entire Western Hemisphere — was forced to accept a Western standard of religion, politics and economics. As for the United States, it broke all its treaties — at least 395 of them — with Indian nations.” Venables teaches a course on American Indians at Cornell University.
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Lasn is co-founder and editor-in-chief of Adbusters magazine, which organizes Buy Nothing Day — Friday, Nov. 26 this year. He said today: “For 24 hours, millions of people around the world do not participate — in the doomsday economy, the marketing mind-games, and the frantic consumer-binge that’s become our culture. We pause. We make a small choice not to shop. We shrink our footprint and gain some calm. Together we say to Exxon, Nike, Coke and the rest: enough is enough. And we help build this movement to rethink our unsustainable course.”
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For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; or David Zupan, (541) 484-9167


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