* AFRICOM and Haiti * Drone Killings, Martin Sheen Spot


ROSE BREWER, rosebrewer001@gmail.com, @rose_brewer
JEMIMA PIERRE, pierre.jemima@gmail.com, @Blacks4Peace

Brewer is a member of the Black Alliance for Peace’s Africa team, which has launched an educational campaign about AFRICOM this month. She is distinguished teaching professor

at the department of African American and African Studies, University of Minnesota.

Pierre is a Haitian-born co-coordinator of Black Alliance for Peace’s team on Haiti. See their recent statement against foreign intervention in Haiti. She is also a sociocultural anthropologist at the UCLA department of African American studies.

NICK MOTTERN, nickmottern@gmail.com, @dronesban

Noted actor Martin Sheen has provided the voice-over for two 15-second cable spots critical of U.S. drone warfare, just announced by BanKillerDrones.org, which is seeking an international ban on weaponized drones. The spots are running on MSNBC and CNN in President’s Biden’s weekend hometown, Wilmington, Del.

Mottern co-coordinates the BanKillerDrones campaign with Kathy Kelly. They recently wrote the piece “Surviving the Killing Fields, a Worldwide Challenge.”

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini; David Zupan,October 12, 2022