News Release Google Ads Skewing Internet Content

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The bodies of people killed by Ukraine government forces around the airport are piled up at a city morgue in Donetsk, Tuesday, May 27, 2014. Photo: Vadim Ghirda, AP

ERIC GARRIS, egarris2 at, @Antiwarcom
Founder and director of, Garris just wrote the piece “Google Doubles Down: Demands Review of All Content,” which states: “On Wednesday morning (3/18/15), Google AdSense suspended ad delivery to demanding that we remove our 11-year-old pages that showed the abuse by U.S. soldiers of Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib. We publicized this and got a bit of coverage. [See in Gawker: ‘Google Suspends Site from Ad Network for Abu Ghraib Photo.”]

“Yesterday [Thursday] Google contacted us and told us that they had given in and would be restoring ad service to shortly.

“However, this morning [Friday] they contacted us demanding that we remove this article.

“ has no intention of allowing Google to dictate our content. We are looking into alternate sources of advertising and will not likely be working with Google AdSense in the future.”

JILLIAN YORK, jillian at, @jilliancyork@onlinecensors
York leads the new project at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. She said: “While Google is well within its legal rights to regulate content — and has good reasons to ensure certain violent content doesn’t make it to AdSense, in this case it came down on the wrong side of what was clearly content in the public interest: images that demonstrate torture by the U.S. military.”

In her article “Can Apple Refuse to Sell a Laptop to an Iranian Citizen? Maybe,” York noted: “Google reportedly blocks Persian-language advertisements because of the prohibition on financial transactions targeting Iranians. Given that there are only small pockets of Persian speakers outside of Iran, it would be difficult for Google to argue they’re not targeting Iranians with ads in Persian; therefore, blocking the advertisements entirely ensures that they’re in compliance with the regulations.”