CIA and NSA Veterans on Russia, Trump and Obama


ABC reports: “Showdown at Trump Tower as President-Elect Set to Receive Intel Briefing.” Politico reports: “Pompeo’s confirmation hearing for CIA director set for Jan. 11.”

WILLIAM BINNEY, williambinney0802 [at]
RAY McGOVERN, rrmcgovern [at], @raymcgovern
McClatchy reports: “Not all cybersecurity experts believe U.S. allegations of Russian hacking.”

Binney worked for NSA for 36 years, retiring in 2001 as the technical director of world military and geopolitical analysis and reporting; he created many of the collection systems still used by NSA. McGovern was a CIA analyst for 27 years; he briefed the president’s daily brief one-on-one to President Reagan’s most senior national security officials from 1981-85.

They just co-wrote the piece “Emails were leaked, not hacked,” published by the Baltimore Sun.

MELVIN GOODMAN, goody789 [at]
Goodman is author of the forthcoming Whistleblower at the CIA. He is director of the National Security Project at the Center for International Policy. He was an analyst at the CIA for 24 years, including as chief and senior analyst at the Office of Soviet Affairs for a decade. His books include Failure of Intelligence: The Decline and Fall of the CIA and National Insecurity: The Cost of American Militarism.

Goodman just wrote the piece “The Dark Side of Obama’s Legacy” for CounterPunch, which states: “The militarization of intelligence presumably will worsen in the Trump administration, which will be dominated by retired general officers and West Point graduates at almost all of the key departments and agencies in the foreign policy community. …

“President Obama campaigned on the basis of transparency and openness, but ignored accountability for the CIA’s transgressions and fundamentally weakened the role of oversight throughout the national security community.”

He has been featured on Institute for Public Accuracy news releases, including “Pompeo at CIA: Iran Belligerence, Pro-Torture, Pro-Surveillance.”

Former CIA head James Woolsey, who Trump was reportedly excluding from decision making, stated yesterday that he no longer wants to be designated as a senior advisor to Trump. See RightWeb profile of Woolsey.