News Release

Clinton: The “Temporary Populist”


hillary-clinton-my-turn-book-e1446511093415ABC News’ Democratic primary debate is scheduled to air on Saturday at 8 p.m. ET. For calendar of events, see: See: “Democrats scheduled debates on days when no one will watch.”

DOUG HENWOOD, dhenwood at, @DougHenwood
Author of the just-released book My Turn: Hillary Clinton Targets the PresidencyHenwood said today: “It’s been fun to watch Hillary Clinton turn into the Temporary Populist for the primary campaign. Given her long history ‘representing Wall Street,’ as she put it in an earlier debate, anything she says now should be taken very skeptically. Her Wall Street proposals may sound tough and detailed, but they’re merely technocratic tweaks that don’t get to the heart of the vast increase in the power of Big Money over the last 35 years. And her many supporters on Wall Street know this. There’s a reason that Goldman Sachs paid her $400,000 in speaking fees in October 2013 alone — and it’s not because she utters profundities like ‘You can’t win if you don’t show up.’ It’s because it’s their vote of confidence in the fact that she shares their fundamental worldview.”