Clinton, Trump and the “War on Terror” Hub



The Overseas Hub for Perpetual War
Awaits Orders from Clinton or Trump

The Nation magazine today published an in-depth probe of “the overseas hub for America’s ‘war on terror’” — the Ramstein Air Base in southwest Germany — a huge facility that is crucial for the Pentagon’s expanding air war in numerous countries.

“Few Americans are aware of what’s actually going on at Ramstein, but its mix of vast military activity is based on the assumption that large-scale U.S. war-making has no end in sight,” the writer of the article, Norman Solomon, said today. “Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have given clear indications of wanting to double down on war policies that rely on massive air power and depend on Ramstein.”

The article says that Ramstein is “the most important Air Force base abroad, operating as a kind of grand central station for airborne war — whether relaying video images of drone targets in Afghanistan to remote pilots with trigger fingers in Nevada, or airlifting special-ops units on missions to Africa, or transporting munitions for airstrikes in Syria and Iraq.”

To read the article on The Nation website, click here.

Solomon is executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy and coordinator of its ExposeFacts program. His books include War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death.

NORMAN SOLOMON, solomonprogressive[at]