Democrats Playing with Fire on Russia


NORMAN SOLOMON, [in D.C.] solomonprogressive [at]
Solomon is co-founder of the online activist group, which has 750,000 members.[ is among the organizers of a news conference Tuesday morning at 10 a.m.Coalition to Present Demands for Release of Torture Report” — which includes CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou. The group states: “Advocates will present the case for making the Senate Torture Report public now, rather than in 2029 or later, including the need for accurate understanding of past torture given the pro-torture comments of Donald Trump.” They will present a petition addressed to President Barack Obama and Senator Dianne Feinstein. Contact one of the speakers, David Swanson, director of World Beyond War and campaign coordinator of RootsAction who recently wrote “Allegations Against Russia Less Credible Every Day” at david[at]]

Solomon just wrote the piece “Democrats are Playing with Fire on Russia” for The Hill, which states: “Two months after the defeat of Hillary Clinton, the most cohesive message from congressional Democrats is: blame Russia. The party leaders have doubled down on an approach that got nowhere during the presidential campaign — trying to tie the Kremlin around Donald Trump’s neck.
“Still more interested in playing to the press gallery than speaking directly to the economic distress of voters in the Rust Belt and elsewhere who handed the presidency to Trump, top Democrats would much rather scapegoat Vladimir Putin than scrutinize how they’ve lost touch with working-class voters. …”The reality is grim, and potentially catastrophic beyond comprehension. By pushing to further polarize with the Kremlin, congressional Democrats are increasing the chances of a military confrontation with Russia. By teaming up with the likes of Republican senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham to exert bipartisan pressure for escalation, Democrats could help stampede the Trump administration in reckless directions.

“This approach is already underway. It is worse than irresponsible. It is madness that could lead to a nuclear holocaust.”

Solomon is executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy.