DNC Platform: Anti-BDS, Outhawks Trump on Iran


See news conference from Chicago: “What I Saw Was ‘Unfathomable’: Doctor Who Worked in Gaza Speaks Out Against U.S. Arming of Israel.”

Briahna Joy Gray reports: “‘Muslim Women for Harris-Walz’ is disbanding over the DNC’s refusal to allow a Palestinian-American on stage.”

Trita Parsi highlights the recent article in Reason magazine: “Democratic Platform Attacks Trump for Not Going to War,” which states: “The Democratic Party wants to outhawk Republicans, denouncing Trump for deescalating with North Korea and Iran.”

See from Kevin Gosztola: “Chicago Police Arrest Several Journalists While Cracking Down On DNC Protest.”

The following are in Chicago and available for interviews:

DAVID ROVICS, drovics@gmail.com, @drovics
Rovics is an activist and musician. His latest song is “Boycott, Sanction, and Divest” about the grassroots movement to use nonviolent economic measures to stop Israeli attacks against Palestinians, as was done against apartheid South Africa. See video. Rovics’s past songs include “Stop the Genocide.”

See from Truthout: “DNC Platform Condemns BDS But Not Israel’s Occupation of Palestine” and “In 2024 Platform, Democrats Lurch Right on Policing and Immigration.” BDS Movement tweets: “In a major BDS win for human rights activists against financial institutions complicit in Israel’s 76-year-old regime of settler colonialism, apartheid and now genocide, French multinational insurer @AXA was forced to sell its investments in all major Israeli banks.”

SAM ROSENTHAL, sam@rootsaction.org, @Roots_Action
INDIA WALTON, india@rootsaction.org
Rosenthal is RootsAction‘s political director. Walton is senior strategist for the group.

ARUN GUPTA, arun.indypendent@gmail.com, @arunindy
Journalist Gupta is covering the protests in Chicago. His past pieces include: “Claims of Mass Rape by Hamas Unravel Upon Investigation.” The DNC platform makes claims about sexual assault on Oct. 7.