During Pandemic, U.S. Trying to Overthrow Venezuela Government


CNN is reporting Tuesday morning: “Venezuela claims to have captured two Americans involved in failed invasion.”

DAN KOVALIK, dkovalik at outlook.com, @danielmkovalik
Kovalik is a human rights lawyer and author of the recently-released book The Plot To Overthrow Venezuela and the just-released No More War.

He said today: “On Sunday, May 3, the Venezuelan government foiled what appears to have been a joint U.S./Colombia attempt to overthrow the government of Nicolas Maduro.” See AP report.

According to Kovalik, who teaches International Human Rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, “this type of coup operation, reminiscent of the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba decades ago, is not only a clear violation of international law, but is simply unconscionable during a worldwide pandemic.”

Kovalik states that “Venezuela, despite heavy U.S. sanctions which are undermining its economy and healthcare system, is struggling mightily, and with considerable success, to fight the COVID-19 virus. The U.S. is hampering this effort by backing Colombian paramilitary forces to invade and attempt to destabilize Venezuela.”

Kovalik added, “The UN and Pope Francis have quite reasonably called for the lifting of sanctions and the end of hostilities during this time to allow countries to fight this pandemic.  Instead of heeding such calls, the U.S. is doing the opposite — increasing sanctions against and hostilities with countries like Venezuela. This is simply unacceptable.”

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; David Zupan, (541) 484-9167

May 5, 2020
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