Following Assassination Attempt, Facebook Pulled Venezuela Content


CNN reported last week: “Authorities have identified the masterminds of the apparent [Aug. 4] drone assassination attempt on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, as well as the people who assisted them, Attorney General Tarek William Saab said Monday. …

“‘The preliminary investigation indicates that many of those responsible for the attack, the financiers and planners, live in the United States in the state of Florida,’ Maduro said, adding that he hopes the White House is ‘willing to fight terrorist groups that commit attacks in peaceful countries.’”

Also recently, Facebook has suspended and then restored, apparently without explanation, two critical websites associated with Venezuela: The group Venezuela Analysis (which just reported that “Maduro Encourages FBI to Investigate Drone Attack Suspect“) and the network Telesur, which just had its Facebook page restored Wednesday morning.

CBS News recently reported: “Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey have agreed to testify sometime in September before the Senate Intelligence Committee, a source familiar with the matter confirms to CBS News.”

See the recent interview with journalist Max Blumenthal on The Real News network: “Facebook Taps Militarist Think Tank Atlantic Council to Police its Content.” Also see by Glenn Greenwald from 2017: “Facebook Says It Is Deleting Accounts at the Direction of the U.S. and Israeli Governments.”

TATIANA ROJAS, trojas at, @telesurenglish
Rojas is with Telesur — see the website for their content, including statements on the suspension of the network’s Facebook page.

JEANETTE CHARLES, jcharles913 at, @venanalysis
Charles is with — see the website for their content, including statements on the suspension of the group’s Facebook page.