“Handbook for a Post-Roe America”


ROBIN MARTY, via Ruth Weiner, ruth@sevenstories.com, @robinmarty
Marty is director of operations at West Alabama Women’s Center in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and author of the book The New Handbook for a Post-Roe America from Seven Stories Press, which just made the book available as a free download for 48 hours.

Marty is available for a limited number of interviews.

She said today: “We aren’t exaggerating when we say that the legality of abortion is a moment-by-moment thing out here. …

“If we say that we’re here and willing to provide abortion, they’re ready to risk it. You can tell them it could put them in jail and they’re like, ‘OK, let’s go ahead and do this anyway,’” Marty said. “Because the alternative is continuing a pregnancy and giving birth when you don’t want to. There’s no end to the desperation of people who want to terminate a pregnancy.”