News Release

House Clears Yemen War Powers


Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Ro Khanna issued the following joint statement today after the House passed the Yemen War Powers Resolution. The resolution will now be sent to President Trump’s desk. “Today, the U.S. House of Representatives took a clear stand against war and famine and for Congress’ war powers by voting to end our complicity in the war in Yemen. This is the first time in the history of this nation that a War Powers Resolution has passed the House and Senate and made it to the president’s desk. Despite the many procedural roadblocks deployed in both chambers to block this resolution, commitment to human rights and Congressional responsibility prevailed. Finally, the U.S. Congress has reclaimed its constitutional authority over matters of war and peace.”

JEHAN HAKIM, hakimjehan at
Hakim is chair of the Yemeni Alliance Committee [see on Facebook], a leading grassroots group on the issue.

HASSAN EL-TAYYAB, eltayyab at, @justfp
El-Tayyab is co-director of Just Foreign Policy, see their campaigns on Yemen and on War Powers.

See prior Institute for Public Accuracy news releases on the issue.

Note: The ACLU has voiced legal objections to exceptions contained in the legislation since the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force is still in effect.