How Corporate Media Are Taking Down Sanders


Katrina vanden Heuvel wrote the piece “It’s propaganda, all right — against Bernie Sanders,” published Tuesday by the Washington Post about efforts by the corporate media to depict Sanders as a stooge of the Soviet Union. (Also see today’s New York Times: “Intelligence Officials Temper Russia Warnings, Prompting Accusations of Political Influence.”)

Norman Solomon, founder of the Institute for Public Accuracy, just wrote the piece “‘In a Dark Time, the Eye Begins to See’: The 2020 Bernie Campaign Represents a Fight That Must Continue,” which states: “On Tuesday night, there was no mistaking the smug joy of studio pundits and Democratic Party operatives on networks like AT&T-owned CNN and Comcast-owned MSNBC. Meanwhile, the New York Times rushed into print yet another all-out attack piece masquerading as a ‘news’ article about Sanders.”

JEFF COHEN, jcohen at, @Roots_Action
Available for interviews beginning Thursday, Cohen is co-founder of and founder of the media watch group FAIR, which has been running Election Focus 2020. He said today: “Corporate centrist media have pushed a mantra — perhaps more dubious than the Hillary mantra four years ago — that Biden is the candidate to beat Trump and they constantly poll the public and then pretend to be startled that their drumbeat assertion of electable Biden/risky Bernie is accepted by a big sector of the electorate.”

Cohen’s most recent pieces include: “When CNN Introduces Bernie-Bashers Only as ‘Former,’ CNN Is Lying To You,” “7 Pointed Questions for Corporate Media About Their Anti-Progressive Biases” and “Did Chris Matthews Reveal That Democratic Establishment’s Real Fear Is a Bernie Win?”