ISIS and UN; Peace Arrests at White House


White House photo

MATTHEW R. LEE, innercitypress at, Matthew.Lee at, @innercitypress
Lee is an investigative reporter covering the UN for Inner City Press. He said today: “Syria is still a UN member state but the Turkey-based Syrian Opposition Coalition rebels are presented in a session in the UN’s Economic and Social Council chamber as if they were the government, quite a precedent for rebels elsewhere in the world. The UN has become lawless.”

FRANCIS BOYLE, fboyle at
Professor at the University of Illinois College of Law, Boyle is author of Tackling America’s Toughest Questions and Biowarfare and Terrorism. He said today: “The Obama administration wants a Security Council Resolution today, not simply as ex post facto justification for the illegal and unconstitutional bombing it is already conducting in Syria and Iraq. The Pentagon has said this ‘war’ against terrorism will go on for years. So, this Resolution may well be the legal fig for bombing countries all over the world under the pretext that he is trying to stop the movements of terrorist groups between them. Acting under U.N. Charter Chapter 7 enforcement powers, the draft Resolution can arguably be interpreted to create a bogus right of ‘hot pursuit’ against alleged transnational terrorists anywhere in the world. … The President — as well as Congress — are in total violation of their responsibilities under the War Powers Clause of the United States Constitution and Congress’s own War Powers Resolution of 1973.”

JOHN DEAR, johndearsj at, @CampaignNV
JOANNE LINGLE, jalingle at
ALICE SUTTER, alicesut at
In a protest for peace outside the White House, several protesters were arrested on Tuesday. See ABC News: “Why Protesters Played Dead Outside the White House.” Sutter, Dear and Lingle were among those arrested. Their action was part of Campaign Nonviolence, which reports hundreds of actions around the U.S. pegged to International Peace Day (Sept. 21). Pastor John Dear is an author. His latest book is The Nonviolent Life. Lingle is from Indianapolis and has spent time in the Mideast with the Christian Peacemaker Teams. Sutter, a retired nurse practitioner from New York who is active with the Ragging Grannies said: “War should be a last resort, first, we’d have to look at our responsibility for what gave rise to the groups we’re being told we need to attack. … We’ve been seeking a meeting with the president for some time, about war and drone killings as well as economic justice and climate change. And these issues are all related. Few talk about it, but the Pentagon is a huge polluter.”