Israeli and Gulf Collusion with Trump Team


Over the weekend, The New York Times reported “Trump Jr. and Other Aides Met With Gulf Emissary Offering Help to Win Election” and The Wall Street Journal followed up with: “Mueller Probe Expands to Israeli Entrepreneur With U.A.E. Ties.”

In response, Trump tweeted: “The Witch Hunt finds no Collusion with Russia — so now they’re looking at the rest of the World. Oh’ great!”

In fact, Israeli government collusion has been a central — and seriously undercovered — aspect of Trump’s scandals since the beginning of his administration.

The journalist Richard Silverstein highlighted in “Flynn Pleads Guilty to Lying About Trump Sabotage of Security Council Resolution Against Israel Settlements,” that: “Michael Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about his efforts with Jared Kushner to torpedo a United Nations Security Council resolution criticizing Israeli settlements. These included lobbying the Russian ambassador to help in this campaign by delaying or cancelling a vote on the matter.”

Media coverage has focused on the pressure Flynn exerted on the Russian government — not the actual source of the pressure: the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu.

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN, richards1052 at, @richards1052, Skype: richards1052
    Silverstein writes on security and other issues for a number of outlets. He was among the very first to highlight the role of Israel in connection to scandals around the Trump administration and will continue updating at his blog Tikun Olam. His pieces there include “Trump, Kushner and Mueller: the Smoking Gun and the Bullet.”

    See related Institute for Public Accuracy news releases including “Why is Israelgate Being Downplayed?” and “Trump Team Hired Israeli Spy Firm Used by Harvey Weinstein to Attack Obama Officials on Iran Deal.”