Japan Nuclear Disaster


Makhijani is president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, which has just released a paper “Post-Tsunami Situation at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan: Facts, Analysis, and Some Potential Outcome.” In addition to meltdowns, the paper highlights the problem of the storage pools, which could be even more dire.

Aileen Mioko Smith is executive director of Green Action, a Japanese environmental group. She happens to be on vacation in San Francisco. She states that the Japanese government has not been making public critical information. She also says that lawsuits have been ongoing, attempting to scrutinize many of the facilities that have now failed. She is analyzing the situation and has been translating reports from Japanese to English

Alvarez is a former senior policy adviser to the U.S. Secretary of Energy and now a senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies. See two recent pieces by him.

Gundersen is a former nuclear industry insider. He was cited in an AP article last month on the controversy around the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant, which is, like the Fukushima facility, a GE Mark 1 facility.

Wasserman wrote a piece titled “An 8.9 Quake Could Have Irradiated the Entire U.S.
He notes the Obama administration has been backing the nucear industry. He is posting regularly at: nukefree.org
Wasserman is author of Solartopia! Our Green-Powered Earth, AD 2030 (which includes an introduction by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.).

Kamps is a specialist in nuclear waste at Beyond Nuclear. Last year he was in Japan assessing the state of nuclear facilities there. He questions the assessment by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that the U.S. is safe from radiation from the Japanese crisis. He was on democracynow.org this morning.

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; or David Zupan, (541) 484-9167