Major Protests: * Greece * Egypt


CNN is reporting: “Greek lawmakers Wednesday approved a package of austerity measures demanded by international lenders, despite protests outside Parliament as they were voting.”

JOSEPH DANA, joseph.dana at
Dana is a reporter in Greece. He recently tweeted: “The main protests in Athens are taking place on the Athenian 5th Avenue. Imagine an HSBC bank set ablaze on 5th Avenue and you have Athens.” See his twitter feed.

[Dana is in Greece to cover of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, which is scheduled to leave Greece within days. He is typically based in the West Bank and is a contributing editor for the online independent commentary magazine +972. He will be reporting from the U.S. boat “Audacity of Hope” for The Nation; his latest piece is “With the Gaza Aid Flotilla.”]

AP is reporting: “Egyptian security forces clashed for a second day in Cairo Wednesday with hundreds of youths demanding that the country’s military rulers speed up prosecution of police officers accused of brutality during mass protests that forced Hosni Mubarak to step down. More than 1,000 people have been injured, a senior official said.” See video of renewed protests in Cairo.

PHILIP RIZK, rizkphilip at
Rizk is a Cairo-based writer and filmmaker and is tweeting about the protests in Egypt at:!/tabulagaza

He said today: “On Tuesday, in the early evening, thugs attacked a ceremony for the martyrs of the revolution at a theatre just across the Nile from Tahrir Square in Cairo. According to eyewitnesses dozens were injured and the member of one martyr family killed. Consequently, demonstrators marched on the Ministry of Interior just streets away from Tahrir Square and were met with tear gas and police-hired thugs with swords. The demonstrators retreated to Tahrir Square where hundreds more joined them. Clashes between demonstrators and Central Security Forces ensued till 10 a.m. on Wednesday morning. Only hours later the Ministry of Interior’s Central Security Forces continued their attacks. The streets surrounding Tahrir Square look much like they did the days starting January 28.”

Rizk is a contributor to — which provides short videos on action in Egypt and also contributes material to For background, see IPA news release “Egyptian Military Courts and IMF.”