Military Victims of the Red Hill Water Crisis to Join Others at EPA Protests


Feindt is a major in the U.S. Army who is quoted in the recent USA Today report: “Hawaii families sue U.S. over tainted drinking water from jet fuel at Navy’s Red Hill facility.”

She is involved with SAFE — Scientists, Activists, and Families for Cancer-Free Environments, which has announced a protest at EPA headquarters in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 20. The demonstration will feature families, firefighters, and military members from around the country who have been sickened by a host of environmental toxins.

See piece on her on Yahoo News: “My kids landed in the hospital after exposure to contaminated drinking water on a Navy base. I’m still dealing with the medical fallout.”

SAFE notes in her profile: “Feindt is one of 93,000 military members and their dependents who have been affected since 14,000 gallons of jet fuel at the Red Hill Underground Fuel Storage Facility leaked into the U.S. Navy’s drinking water on Oahu, Hawaii, in November 2021. …

“On December 8, Major Feindt (Mandy) received a notice from the Ford Island Child Development Center, where her children attended daycare, saying that the facility had been supplied with bottled water for weeks. That raised alarm bells for her because she knew it wasn’t true. This is where her advocacy began — the fight for clean water for her children.”

Feindt said today: “These innocent children have their whole lives ahead of them. They were poisoned by an American military asset on American soil, stripped of their basic human right: access to clean water, and have been treated like collateral damage ever since.”

Reports SAFE: “Her one-year-old son experienced chemical burns on the lower half of his body from bathing and was so dehydrated that the staff couldn’t place an IV in his tiny arm. Her 4-year-old daughter was eventually diagnosed with a series of neurological conditions.

“Mandy’s husband Patrick started having severe migraines, back and abdominal pain, and gastrointestinal issues.  Patrick has had internal bleeding and five medical procedures since being exposed to the fuel-tainted water.

“In February, Mandy was hospitalized, unable to walk on her own and urinating blood. She’s experienced debilitating back and abdominal pain, neurological and auditory issues. Like many families, the Feindts experienced medical gaslighting at the military medical treatment facilities on Oahu. Mandy requested a compassionate reassignment through the Secretary of the Army and her family was moved to Colorado at the end of April.”