NATO Targeting China as well as Russia?


The China MirageA New York Times headline reads: “Shifting Focus, NATO Views China as a Global Security Challenge.” A Politico headline reads: “Biden fears what ‘best friends’ Xi and Putin could do together.”

Bradley is author of several best-sellers focused on U.S. policy in the Pacific and Asia, including Flags of Our Fathers and The China Mirage: The Hidden History of American Disaster in Asia.

He is currently in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, producing his “Untold Pacific” podcast about “the American experience in Asia.” Recent episodes include “China Rising,” “The #1 Focus of the U.S. National Security State is War with China,” “U.S. Military: ‘War with China Inevitable’” and “America’s Pacific Problem is America.”

Bradley said today: “We’ve seen Biden ratchet up the anti-Chinese rhetoric and it is incredibly dangerous. Now, we’re seeing NATO being used toward those ends. There’s a great deal of propaganda that depicts China as this great threat and that taps into a long history of anti-Chinese sentiment and misinformation.”

In a recent interview with CovertAction Magazine, Bradley states: “The U.S. military could withdraw from Asia in a second and what’s going to fall apart? What is the danger? The American media promotes so much anti-Chinese propaganda: It creates the illusion that China is aggressive and going to invade. No. China doesn’t want to rule the world. China is too smart for that.

“The [last time] China went out was in the 13th century. They had those fleets of ‘treasure ships’ larger than any flotilla until World War II. They sailed worldwide. It cost a lot of money and they came back and they reported to the Emperor: ‘The only thing outside of China are Barbarians and bad food.’ Then they burned the ships. The idea of conquering the world is not Chinese. America goes all the way around the world to Iraq or Vietnam.”

“You know all those lines in the South China Sea and China is doing that and this island belongs here and Japan has this island claim … that was all written by the U.S. Navy after Japan surrendered and the U.S. Navy was predominant in the Pacific in 1945.”