Nuclear Netanyahu * Abu Akleh Killing


Benjamin Netanyahu is forming a new, far right cabinet.


    Silverstein writes at Tikun Olam and was recently featured on the IPA news release “Nuclear Netanyahu.” He has recently written the pieces “Itamar Ben Gvir: the Rebbe’s Disciple” and “Nations Dither in Face of Israeli Fascism.”

DAVID SHEEN,   The FBI just announced an investigation into the killing of the Palestinian American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by the Israeli army. Israel has said it would not cooperate.

Sheen is following the Abu Akleh case and the formation of the new Israeli cabinet.

He has also investigated the Alex Odeh case [see video], in which a Palstinian American activist was killed by a bomb in California and the suspected killers have been given refuge by Israel for decades. See his articles: “Alex Odeh Assassination: New Testimony Could Finally Bring Jewish Defense League to Justice” and ”

As U.S. Refuses to Act, Suspected Alex Odeh Assassins Enjoy Influential Role in Israeli Politics” for MintPress.

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini,  David Zupan,
November 16, 2022