Paul Ryan Tries to Keep Saudi Attack on Yemen Going


ROBERT NAIMAN, naiman at, @naiman

Policy director at Just Foreign Policy, Naiman said today: “Tuesday evening, in a classic Nixonian dirty tricks maneuver of the Washington swamp, Paul Ryan’s House Rules Committee approved a rule for consideration of H.R. 6784, the ‘Manage our Wolves Act,’ that would ‘de-privilege’ H. Con. Res. 138, the Khanna-Massie-Smith-Jones-Pocan Yemen War Powers Resolution to end unconstitutional U.S. participation in the Saudi regime’s war-blockade-famine-genocide in Yemen. As of now, the full House is expected to vote on the floor Wednesday afternoon on this rule. If this rule for the consideration of the ‘Manage our Wolves Act’ passes, then H. Con. Res. 138 would be stripped of its ‘privilege,’ that is, stripped of its War Powers Resolution guarantee of a clean up-or-down vote on the House floor.” See from AP: “Quaker Lobby Calls on Congress to End Illegal U.S. War in Yemen.”

Last month, Naiman wrote the piece “Is the Current U.S.-Saudi Relationship ‘Unreformable’?