Police Killings



Rev. GRAYLAN S. HAGLER, gshagler[at]verizon.net, @graylanhagler
Hagler is senior pastor at the Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ in Washington, D.C. and chairperson of Faith Strategies. The church just had a community meeting on police violence and community engagement.

KATHY KELLY, kathy[at]vcnv.org, @voiceinwild
Kelly is co-coordinator of the group Voices for Creative Nonviolence. President Barack Obama at a NATO meeting in Warsaw decried the violence in Dallas while at at meeting of the military alliance. Kelly writes regularly on issues of violence and peace. She recently wrote the piece “Of Lethal Drones and Police Shootings.” Her books include Other Lands Have Dreams: Letters From Pekin Prison.

MATTHEW FOGG, matthew.fogg[at]leap.cc, @marshalfogg
Fogg is a retired Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal. He won the largest ever ($4 million) employee Title VII discrimination lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice.