Poor People’s Campaign and Voting Rights


The Poor People’s Campaign is organizing a series of actions in Washington, D.C. over the next week including a presidential candidates forum.

The Washington Post just ran an interview with Poor People’s Campaign co-chair, Rev. William Barber, “The Trump administration has violated what Jesus said should be our top priorities,” who said: “We’re traveling now with the Poor People’s Campaign, a national call for moral revival. Three years ago, even before the Trump administration, we went all across this country to more than 30 states, invited by persons who said it’s time for us to have a moral fusion movement, to say that we can challenge these five interlocking injustices: systemic racism, systemic poverty, ecological devastation, a war economy and the false moral narrative of religious nationalism.” Barber just appeared on Democracy Now: “Racist Gerrymandering Created a GOP Stronghold in the South. We Must Fight Back.”

Rev. GRAYLAN S. HAGLER, gshagler at verizon.net, @graylanhagler@UniteThePoor
Hagler is co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign and senior pastor at the Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ in Washington, D.C.

At last year’s actions by the Poor People’s Campaign, Rev. Hagler was arrested at a protest for voting rights — see: “D.C. pastor shackled, held 27 hours for praying on Supreme Court steps.” He had his passport taken from him and has had to report to authorities on a weekly basis since that time.

See his page on C-SPAN. See his Facebook page and video of his arrest in front of the Supreme Court.